Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, almost here!!
day 2 of carb depletion going as well as can be expected. I am still working although not alot. It is very hard to stay focussed. I have enjoying rambling around the streets doing a little shopping although trying to be careful with the finances. I have kept myself amused with new purchases of a digital camera, digital home phone and answering machine, and I just bought a house!
I went out the other day on a chocolate mission for comp day. I have a nice stash in the cupboard waiting for saturday. yay. Rocklea road and lindt chokky. mmmmn.
I did some practice yesterday with my bikini on and I am happy with my progress. I would still like to be leaner but everyone has something they would like to improve on. Overall I have made good improvements and am happy.
The weight circuits weren't as bad as I anticipated. I have my last one tomorrow which is a full body circuit for about 30 mins. I think it is heaps easier than doing 8 x 8 x 8 sets and thats the only reason i find it easier. Also going from one body part to another gives each body part a bit of a rest which also helps alot.
But other than that, there isn't a lot I can do at this point besides hold tight and stick to my diet until the day. Getting exciting now. I can't wait to see everyone else and how they look and come up as well. There should be some pretty impressive physiques there.

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